Tuesday, November 08, 2005

In Constant Search for Heroes

Dear mouse,

Countdown for Christmas

My great grandmother outlived four husbands. (Matindi). By the time, my grandmother was growing up to be a lady, most of her half-siblings were already past their prime age.

She died twice. Yeah baby, not once but twice.

The first time, she died, she claimed that she saw an old bearded man in a pearly gate. He did not find her short name that started in letter A in the book Life so he made her see a cave full of candles at the flick of a finger. High tech na rin pala ang langit noon. Her candle was still burning while another candle beside hers was already flickering.

During that time, dead people had to wait for their home-made coffins. There were no funeral parlors, no embalming and vigils were done at home. The big living rooms were not only for parties but for wakes too.

After the "journey of her soul", she got back to Earth and found her sister dead.
The busted candle was her sister's.

While my great grandmother's career was in the health care, my grandmom was in business. According to my mom, she was so good in business that if the moon was put up for sale, she could have sold a piece of it, no sweat.

She was a mother to her brood of 16, Yeah baby, more than a dozen. Busy pa yang magnegosyo because she was the bread winner of the family. That was from two marriages. Thirteen from the first and three from the second and more than twenty adoptees at some given time. (hhhm kaya pala).

She was practically running a family and an orphanage!! My mom used to say that she did not raise a family but a village.

When my two uncles enrolled in UP, she decided to relocate in the city. She planned to be a stay-at-home mom but fate would not allow her. She thought they would not survive from a meager salary of my grandfather. In less than a month of stay in the city, she was able to put up a convenience store. She would go to Divisoria to buy wholesale and sell them at big mark-ups.

Until, she died, she had a store, coconut, rice farms and fishpond to manage.

Hmmm that must have started the family's love for business.

Back to Now What, Cat ?

The Ca t

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